Daniela Nicole Mata

This is Daniela Nicole Mata. Nicole is a Legal Assistant at Sessoms Law Group. She got a Bachelor’s Degree in Criminal Justice and is currently working to get my Juris Doctor Degree. She is the first in my Honduran family to aspire to become an attorney. Sessoms Law Group gives her an opportunity to give back to the community that saw her become the person that she is today. She is able to help those who might not be able to help themselves. She works with family based petitions, waivers, and humanitarian cases here at SLG. Everyday, she is open to learning something and expanding her knowledge in the field that she aspires to have as a future career. Her coworkers are a huge part of her everyday work and learning process for which she is beyond thankful. She has never worked in a place where your coworkers are your second family and whose main focus is to make the immigrant community a safe and better place. She loves being part of this team and will always cherish this learning and growth opportunity in her heart.