Atlanta DUI Attorney Making a Difference in Your DUI Case

One of the most common crimes people are charged with in Georgia is driving under the influence (DUI). Georgia defines driving under the influence as being in control of a motor vehicle with a blood alcohol content of 0.08 percent for those over 21, or only 0.02 percent for those under age 21. If any amount of drugs is found in your system that also counts as DUI in Georgia. Driving under the influence is dangerous, and can result in death for you, your passengers, or other drivers or pedestrians on the road.
A DUI arrest for you or a loved one can have serious consequences even if no one is injured, including things like fines, driver’s license restrictions, and even jail time. Don’t take chances with your future if you have been accused of driving under the influence. An experienced DUI lawyer from Sessoms Law Office, LLC help plan your DUI defense strategy and give you strong legal advice. Call our Atlanta office today at 678-853-7402.
Are There Any Possible Defenses Against a DUI Charge?
While your DUI case may seem cut-and-dried if sobriety and breathalyzer or blood tests showed you to be intoxicated while driving, there may be legitimate DUI defenses applicable to your case. For example, if you were forced to drive against your will by someone threatening harm to you, you might not be held responsible in court. Another possible defense could be that you were given alcohol or drugs unknowingly—if someone spiked or drugged your drink while you weren’t looking, for example—and you did not know that you were intoxicated when you got in the car.
In every jurisdiction, law enforcement is bound by law to follow certain procedures when a driver is suspected of driving under the influence. If these procedures were not followed or your rights were violated, you may not be convicted of DUI. There are other possible defenses, based on your particular circumstances. One of the skilled DUI lawyers in our law offices can help you to determine what DUI defense strategy has the best chance of succeeding in your case.
Do I Have to Agree to a Breathalyzer Test in Georgia?
Most often, if you are stopped for suspected DUI, the officer will give you what are known as field sobriety tests. These may consist of the classic tests you’ve seen on television and in movies, like walking a straight line or counting backward. In fact, the standard field sobriety tests that may be used by law enforcement officers in Georgia and other states during a DUI arrest were developed by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). If the officer determines that you are likely to be intoxicated, they may ask you to take a roadside breathalyzer test. Under Georgia law, you may refuse this test. However, refusing will probably end up with a trip to the police station, where you will be asked again to take a breathalyzer test. At that point, you cannot refuse without legal consequences, because according to Georgia law anyone who holds a Georgia driver’s license or drives on Georgia roads has given their implied consent for breathalyzer testing. Criminal defense attorneys have the knowledge and experience you need to guarantee fair treatment under the law.
What Are the Consequences for DUI in Georgia?
Although the exact consequences you will face for a DUI conviction in Georgia depend on the details of your particular case, there are some general guidelines that might apply. In general, penalties for a first DUI offense or test refusal can range from 10 days to 12 months in jail, fines of $300-$1000, and/or a minimum of 20 hours of community service. There are stiffer possible penalties for second and third offenses. If you have had three or more prior DUI convictions within the past ten years, were proven to have fled law enforcement officers, or caused the death or serious injury of a person or unborn fetus while driving under the influence, you may be charged with a felony, which carries more severe penalties. Driving under the influence is a serious charge that carries the risk of life-changing penalties. One of our skilled DUI attorneys can give you the legal counsel you need to bring your case to its best possible outcome. Call Sessoms Law Group, LLC today at 678-853-7402.
Do I Need to Hire a DUI Lawyer?
Defending yourself against criminal charges is complicated. Driving under the influence is a serious charge with potentially serious consequences. An experienced lawyer from our law firm can assist in making sure your rights were not violated, proper procedures were followed in your DUI arrest, and your DUI defense strategy is as successful as possible.