Atlanta Fraud & Theft Attorney Making a Difference for You and Your Case

Fraud and theft can be very serious criminal charges, depending on the amount of money involved. Sometimes, those charged with fraud or theft committed the crimes knowingly, but sometimes, they didn’t know what they were doing was a crime or didn’t intend to steal anything. Because most fraud and theft convictions require that the intent to defraud or steal must be proven by the prosecution, there are defenses that are possible if what you are charged with was done unintentionally, unknowingly, or with permission.
Untangling the complicated maze of laws in Georgia surrounding fraud and theft can be a long and complex process. An accomplished fraud and theft crime lawyer from Sessoms Law Office, LLC can help you understand the charges against you and get the best possible outcome for your case. Call our Atlanta office today at 678-853-7402.
What is Defined as Fraud in Georgia and What Are Possible Penalties?
Georgia has several different categories that are considered fraud crimes. Some of these include forging someone’s name, writing bad checks (deposit account fraud), using a credit or debit card that does not belong to you (financial transaction card fraud), making a false statement to a police officer, using false information to obtain a loan or mortgage, identity theft, falsely reporting a crime, revealing another person’s private computer passwords, or improperly soliciting money, among many other types of fraud. Basically, the category of fraud crime covers just about any dishonest or deceitful thing that is done in order to get something of value–often, money.
The penalty for committing fraud crimes in Georgia depends upon what kind of fraud it is, and also on the dollar value of the fraudulently-gained proceeds. It is impossible to list the penalties for fraud in general when there are so many crimes covered in this broad category, but many of these crimes carry the possibility of incarceration and/or hefty fines.
What is Defined as Theft in Georgia and What Are Possible Penalties?
Similar to fraud, theft in Georgia covers a broad range of crimes. Generally, theft involves taking or being in possession of someone else’s property without their permission. There are several categories of theft, but some of the most common include theft by taking (stealing physical property), theft by deception (lying to get something of value), theft by conversion (taking someone’s money for a particular purpose but then using it yourself), theft of services (not paying for a service you received), theft of lost property( keeping something that you know to be lost without trying to find the owner), and theft by receiving stolen property, among others. Like fraud, the penalties for theft depend on the dollar value of the objects or services that have been stolen but can involve jail time and large fines in some cases.
Are There Any Ways to Defend Yourself Against Fraud & Theft Charges?
There are defenses against fraud and theft charges that can be successful. For example, if you had permission from the owner of the property, bank card, or computer password, you may not be convicted. If any deception involved was not reasonably believable, that could be a useful defense, too. If you can prove that you were nowhere in the vicinity of the crime when it happened, that might exonerate you.
Finally, the prosecution must prove that you had the intent to commit fraud in order to convict you of it, so if you can show that you did not mean to defraud or steal from anyone, that can possibly lead to a not-guilty verdict. The fraud and theft crime lawyers at Sessoms Law Group, LLC have experience with these and other helpful defense strategies, and we stand ready to come to your assistance. Call Sessoms Law Group, LLC today at 678-853-7402.
Is it Worth it to Hire a Fraud & Theft Defense Lawyer?
The penalties for fraud and theft crimes in Georgia can be harsh, sometimes including jail time and heavy fines in the tens of thousands of dollars. Being convicted of fraud or theft could cause you to lose your job and your reputation, or keep you from getting the job you want. A skilled fraud and theft lawyer can help build a strong defense against these charges and knows the legal strategies that are most likely to succeed. You need a professional on your side, so call Sessoms Law Group today to start building your legal team.