Atlanta Motorcycle Accident Attorney Fighting for Motorcycle Accident Victims

Motorcycle riders are some of the most vulnerable drivers on the road today. Because they are smaller than cars or trucks, motorcycles are often overlooked by other drivers, and this can result in accidents that cause damage to your bike and injuries to you. Without the body of a car or truck for protection, motorcyclists are often injured more seriously in traffic accidents than drivers of cars or trucks are, and the accidents are often the fault of other drivers.
If you have been injured in a motorcycle accident due to the negligence of another driver, you are entitled to fair compensation. Having an experienced motorcycle accident lawyer from Sessoms Law Office, LLC helping to build your case and argue it in court can be the edge you need to bring your motorcycle accident case to the best possible conclusion. Contact our Atlanta office today at 678-853-7402.
What Damages Could I Be Entitled to in My Motorcycle Accident Case?
In any personal injury case, including any motorcycle accident claim, the victim may be entitled to compensation from the other driver or their insurance company in four areas: medical expenses, lost wages, property damage, and pain and suffering. Medical and other related costs are easy to prove with medical bills and receipts, and it is easy to figure out how much you’ve lost in wages while you recover by looking at paystubs.
Putting a number on your pain and suffering, however, can be a tricky process. An experienced motorcycle accident lawyer like those at Sessoms Law Group, LLC has a lot of practice in determining the proper amount to ask for to compensate you for your pain and suffering and can help you negotiate with the insurance company or take your case to court to get it.
What Are Some Common Motorcycle Accidents?
Most often, motorcycle accidents result from drivers of cars and trucks not paying proper attention and not seeing the motorcycle. Common situations in which motorcycles are struck by cars or trucks include left turns into or in front of the motorcycle, lane changing into a lane where there is a motorcycle in the way, and improper passing, which may lead to a head-on collision with a motorcycle. If you are in a motorcycle accident that is the result of inattention or negligence by another driver, you may be entitled to compensation.
Do I Have to Go to Court to Get Compensation for My Motorcycle Accident?
Going to court to get compensation for motorcycle accident injuries is often a last resort. What may happen instead is that, with the help of an experienced motorcycle accident attorney, you can come to a settlement agreement without having to go through the process of a court hearing or trial.
Having a skilled and professional personal injury attorney represent you in these motorcycle accident negotiations is crucial, as the insurance company is likely to have an expensive and aggressive attorney negotiating on their side. Without a similar level of skill and experience on your side, you are far less likely to get the compensation you deserve.
Call a motorcycle accident lawyer from Sessoms Law Group, LLC today at 678-853-7402 to get started on a solid legal strategy to receive fair compensation for your motorcycle accident injuries.
Is it Worth Hiring a Personal Injury Attorney for My Motorcycle Accident Case?
In a motorcycle accident lawsuit, you are most likely going up against a well-funded and powerful insurance company at a time when you are trying to recover from what may be devastating injuries. The last thing you need at such a time is the stress and hard work of determining the facts of your motorcycle accident and the level of compensation that you are legally entitled to.
Experienced motorcycle accident attorneys have the skill and knowledge to negotiate the best settlement possible in your motorcycle accident case, or to represent you in court if a settlement can’t be reached and going to court becomes necessary. Save yourself the headache of navigating the complicated legal system when what you need most is to rest and recover. An experienced motorcycle accident lawyer from Sessoms Law Group is standing by to help in your motorcycle accident case.